Berkshires and Beyond: the greater berkshire regional concert calendar

Classical Music

A somewhat selective concert calendar for the Berkshires and all New England, from Saratoga to Boston to Newport and beyond!

Please tell your favorite band and/or venue about us, and be sure they get us their information in a timely fashion!

Please when ordering tickets or going to a show tell the venue "I saw it on Seth Rogovoy's Concert Calendar on the web."

Venues are located in Massachusetts unless otherwise noted or recognizable cities in adjacent states, e.g., Hartford (Conn.), Albany (N.Y.)

[Note: The Knickerbocker Arena in Albany, N.Y., has been renamed after a popular cola drink. We will continue to refer to it, however, as the Knickerbocker Arena until said cola drink company pays us to use its brand name in our calendar.]

Always call ahead to the venues (phone numbers are at the end of the calendar) to confirm acts and times, which frequently change at the last minute.

To include your event in this calendar, send your info to:

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